English is a compulsory subject for I &II year degree course. In the first year the syllabus focuses on developing 'Literary Sensibilities as well as developing the four skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing'. In the second year the syllabus not only exposes the learners to a number of themes of contemporary significance and intellectual development but also hones advanced communication and soft skills to prepare the learners to meet the challenges of the time.

The Optional English texts of the degree course exposes the students to the best of literature produced in English language and also place the texts in Historical context of literary developments. The Optional English texts also address the need to equip students with a basic grounding in linguistics and discourse analysis required to negotiate the challenges of English as the global language of communication.
The teachers in the department now discharge the duty of not only teaching literature and language proficiency but also equip the students with ‘soft skills’ which are the need of the day. The teachers in the department perform the roles of facilitator, trainer and teacher as well.


  • "Chaucer's Club” – English forum is actively engaged in conducting various literary and creative competitions.
  • Chaucer's club is involved in activities like creative writing, essay writing, collage, pick and speak, debate, scrabble, film appreciation and quiz.
  • Chaucer's club through these activities moulds and develops students’ personality by discovering their talents and enhancing their confidence which will go a long way in determining their future .
  • It  publishes an annual newsletter -'Sublime'.
  • The department has a state-of-art digital language lab that hones the spoken and communicative English skills of students.

Educational Visits:

  1. Bangalore Poetry festival. Venue: Hotel Leela Palace
  2. Bangalore Literature Festival. Venue: Hotel Lalit Ashok.
  3. Caption Writing and Poetry Illustration Competition.

Activities @ Department